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Please check here often for a listing of student activities, athletics and clubs available for all Sarah G. Banks Middle School students.


We have an very comprehensive athletics program available for all students. Please visit the Bulldogs Athletics page for information regarding teams, coach contacts and eligibility. 

Band and Orchestra

Students must take band or orchestra in the 6th grade in order to have the opportunity be in
band or orchestra in 7th and 8th grade. The curriculum for these classes builds upon itself each
year. We do not offer beginning band or orchestra classes in the 7th or 8th grades. Any
student who has an interest in band or orchestra should give it a try for the 6th grade year. It is
always better to look back and say “I’m glad I did!” than it is to say, “I wish I would have.”

For more information, please read the Band and Orchestra Scheduling Letter.

Leadership Development

Leadership is an important part of the development of any student. We are pleased to offer two larger leadership development opportunities: Student Council and National Junior Honor Society.

  • Student Council - All students may choose to serve on Student Council. Student Council focuses on leadership development through participation at PTSA events, hearing from local leaders from Wixom, and in fundraising opportunities to further charitable causes. Information about how to join is provided early in the school year.
  • National Junior Honor Society - NJHS is open to 8th grade students that meet the eligibility requirements. Please visit the Sarah G. Banks MS NJHS page for more information.


  • Career Cruising - Research careers, update your EDP and more.

  • Journey Ed Software - Visit this site for discounted software. You will need your student ID number to order.

  • Navigate 360 - Online Lessons for students.

  • Online Math Book - Ask your math teacher for a username and password for the online textbook.

  • Online Social Studies Books - Your teacher may register and create student accounts. Please see your teacher for this information.


Cellphone Policy

In a world dominated by immediate communication, cell phones have become distracting for many students. The goal is not to limit contact with parents, but to be mindful of the proper use of technology during the school day.

Student cell phones are to remain in their lockers during the school day. If a student need to contact a parent, they should do so from the attendance office. Students are NOT to text parents or guardians when they need something or are not feeling well. Regardless of use, consequences will include the phone being taken from the student and kept in the office until the end of the school day along with the following:

  • 1st Violation: Lunch detention
  • 2nd Violation: Two lunch detentions
  • 3rd Violation: Parent contact and morning detention
  • Additional violations will result in additional consequences

*Note - Using the phone to take video or photos during the school day will result in suspension from school.

Option Room Policy

The purpose of our Options Room is to be a place where students may be asked to go if their behavior has become too disruptive to the classroom environment. It is a spot for the student to regroup, reflect, and finish their work in a quiet setting. 

When a student arrives to the Options Room, they will fill out a form and the student will then email it to the parent. Repeated removal from the class to the Options Room may result in progressive discipline in accordance to the Student Code of Conduct. Code of Conduct violations resulting in removal from the classroom will be entered into Skyward under the student's discipline record. Student's serving in-school suspensions will do so in the Options Room.

Refocus Policy

To help minimize classroom interruptions we will employ a process called Refocus. The goal is to remove a student who is demonstrating destructive behavior from the situation quietly and quickly without causing a disruption. The student will then step out into the hall to fill out a Refocus Form, which helps the student to understand that he or she is demonstrating distracting behavior and shows them how to get back on track in a positive way. It is a de-escalatory process that minimizes missed class time. This process has a
progressive series of consequence ranging from:

  • Teacher and student conference
  • Parent notification
  • Administrative involvement
  • Application of the Student Code of Conduct

Tardy Policy

Starting class effectively and efficiently is very important to student learning. Tardies to any class throughout the day are detrimental to this goal. Our building has a cumulative tardy policy, which resets each marking period.

  • 4 Tardies: Lunch Detention with student contacting home
  • 7 Tardies: Before School Detention
  • 10 Tardies: One full day of in-school suspension
  • 10+ Tardies will result in further discipline including loss of school privileges, parent meetings, etc.