Attendance Policy
Attendance Office: (248) 956-2213 | Attendance Hotline: (248) 956-2290
Please call the attendance hotline before 9:00 a.m. every morning your student is absent or late.
Note: Notifying a teacher or counselor of your child’s absence does not replace calling the attendance office. For a student’s absence to be “excused” you must call the absence/tardy within 48 hours. A student’s absence a cannot be “excused” if it is called in after the 48 hour deadline.
Though parents may excuse absences, your call is only a notification that your child will not be in school. According to Oakland County, only absences accompanied by a physician's note will be considered excused.
- 10 unexcused absences
- Letter sent home
- Possible meeting with Oakland County Truancy Liaison if attendance does not improve
- 14 unexcused absences
- Second letter sent home/parent administrator contact
- Meeting with Oakland County Truancy Liaison
- 20 or more unexcused absences
- Referral to Oakland County Truancy Office
Arriving Late
Please call the attendance office or attendance hotline if you know your child will be tardy. However, this does not excuse them from being late. If a tardy occurs due to a doctor's appointment, a doctor’s note must be presented to excuse the tardy.
- 4 tardies: Lunch detention with student contacting home
- 7 tardies: Before school detention
- 10 tardies: One full day of in-school suspension
- 10+ tardies will result in further discipline, including loss of school privileges, parent meetings, etc.
*Note: This process resets at the end of each marking period. Our goal is to have students on time and in class every period, every day.
Early Dismissal
If a student needs to leave school early for any reason, and is being picked up by someone other than a parent/guardian, permission MUST still be given even if the individual is on the emergency contact sheet. Additionally, students will not be called to the attendance office until the person picking them up arrives in the office.